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What should you do? Keep the workers as independent contractors and hope the IRS doesn’t catch on? Or amend your past returns to show the misclassified workers as employees?

Depending on how many workers you have misclassified and the years involved, that amendment process could be cost-prohibitive.
In what clearly must be a mistake, the IRS issued Notice 2021-49 to deny the employee retention credit (ERC) on the wages paid to most C and S corporation owners.

According to the IRS:

Your corporation can qualify for the ERC on the wages paid to a more than 50 percent owner of an S or C corporation if that owner does not have any living brothers and sisters (whether whole- or half-blood), spouse, ancestors, or lineal descendants.
Your corporation cannot qualify for the ERC on the more than 50 percent owner’s wages if one of those relatives (other than the spouse) is alive.